Photoshop: Grafpedia - All VIP Contents

Photoshop: Grafpedia - All VIP Contents

Grafpedia - All VIP Contents | 2.08 GB
Brushes | Gradients | Icons & Vectors | Layer Styles | Actions | Patterns | Stock Photos & Textures | Swatches | rar
Photoshop: Grafpedia - All VIP Contents

Grafpedia - All VIP Contents | 2.08 GB
Brushes | Gradients | Icons & Vectors | Layer Styles | Actions | Patterns | Stock Photos & Textures | Swatches | rar

Grafpedia provides a lot of content primarily for web designers. They have quite a few tutorials on building web layouts in Photoshop, as well as resources such as icons, vectors and Photoshop brushes. All source files and resources need a paid VIP account in order to download. The tutorials also require VIP access to download the source PSDs.

This torrent includes all content as of February 10, 2010 6:50 EST. Here is a list of what is included for those who have not browsed their site:
# 83 Tutorials, most on web design a few drawings
# 29 Photoshop brush packs
# 3 sets of Photoshop gradients
# 91 sets of Icons and Vectors
# 4 sets of Photoshop layer styles
# 5 sets of Photoshop actions
# 5 sets of patterns
# 13 sets of Stock Photos and Textures
# 1 set of Illustrator swatches

Photoshop: Grafpedia - All VIP Contents
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Категория: Всё для Photoshop`a ----- Просмотров: 1194 ----- Комментариев: 0
